If you and your GP decide that you need to see a specialist for further treatment, your GP is now able to give you a choice of where to have your treatment from a list of hospitals or clinics.
Choose and Book will allow patients to choose a convenient place, date and time for their hospital appointment.
If your referral is appropriate for Choose and Book you will be given an information sheet by your GP (or it may be posted out by the secretaries). This will be your outpatient appointment verification.
However, not all Choose and Book referrals are directly bookable. In this case the information sheet contains your UBRN number, a password and the telephone number you have to ring to arrange your choice of hospital.
It is hoped that the service will be extended at a later date to include internet bookings.
For more information about Choose and Book you can go to www.chooseandbook.nhs.uk
Choosing Your Hospital leaflets are available at reception or you can go to www.nhs.uk