Success of the PPG:
Volunteer Prescription Delivery Drivers win Queens Award for Voluntary Services
The PPG ran a fundraising campaign to install community defibrillators within the Practice area.
As such, through fundraising events, generous donations and sponsorship, 14 defibrillators have now been allocated within the community.
Partnering with Community First Responders and North West Ambulance Service, regular ‘How to use Community Defibrillator Training’ are provided in these villages.
As a result of the PPG endeavours, the group have won the Cardiac Smart Award in 2016.
Professor Steve Field, commented about the ‘Outstanding Practice’ of the PPG in the CQC Report on Court Thorn Surgery in 2016.
• There were innovative approaches to providing care and support for patients. The practice had commissioned a self-care programme for patients with long term conditions. A specialist facilitated the sessions at the practice, and around 14 patients attended each of the modules. The programme was then made available electronically via email for all patients to access.
• The practice had established an effective patient participation group (PPG). Managers supported the PPG to organise a number of health seminars for patients; 11 had been held so far. Patients made suggestions as to which topics they would like to be covered, then the practice and PPG sourced speakers to attend. The seminars were advertised across the area and the previous event had been attended by 52 patients.
• There was a weekly prescription delivery service, run by the practice’s PPG. Many patients lived in isolated areas, without access to public transport. Each week throughout the year, a number of volunteers delivered medicines to patients at their homes. There were well established governance and management arrangements in place to ensure the effective running of the service.
Full report is available by clicking the link on the home page of the website:
Learning Matters Health Care Awards 2017:
The PPG have for over four years offered Health Seminars within the community. A bi-monthly Health Seminar addresses the needs of patients and public within the catchment area of Court Thorn Surgery. The PPG recognised that the services of General Practice are not the panacea of all ailments and care. Much can be done by the patients for the patients and their community. The balance of power can be shifted, to the patients and the public, by the provision of better information and advice
As such the PPG was awarded with a Highly Commended by Health Education England for its innovation in Health and Care.
Fundraising Events of 2017:
These two fundraising events raised in excess of £5,360 to maintain the community defibrillators of Eden Valley, the on-going volunteer service of prescription delivery for the infirm and housebound patients and the purchasing of lifesaving equipment for the patients of Court Thorn Surgery.
First Responders and the Patient Participation Group could not do what it does without the generous support of a caring community. Thank you again for your thoughtful donation to this cause and from the many people of the community who rely on us for life saving services.
Seminar Dates:
** coming soon **
Latest Health Seminar Flyer:
** coming soon **